Free Indeed Podcast
A podcast dedicated to helping with the fight for freedom from broadband internet pornography. Each week Mike will ask Kirk one question about his journey and how freedom is for him. He will inspire and motivate you to not give up.
50 episodes
FIP 047: Interview with Pastor Kelby McCottry
Mike and Kirk interview Pastor Kelby McCottry who experienced his first Free Indeed weekend intensive for his church. Find out why this intensive is for your church to fight back again pornography!

FIP 046: How a Church Can Find Bravehearts
Mike and Kirk discuss the qualities of a church and especially the men who should consider being bravehearts within their community to help other men. Hint: It won't be easy.

FIP 045: Helping Guys Keep It Going
What about those guys who've been going for a while? What's important for them to remember and keep in mind? Mike and Kirk explore why not just "freedom" is important. And, introducing the new tool for churches! Getting your men free from porno...

FIP 044: The Next Stage of Free Indeed MINI Episode
In this mini episode, Mike and Kirk talk what's next with the podcast. Beyond just helping one man at a time, we want to help churches and church leaders meet the challenge of having a strategic plan to get pornography out of their congregation...

FIP 043: The IP Mistress Speaks [TRIGGERS]
WARNING: TRIGGERS! In this special edition of the podcast Mike and Kirk interview...pornography. The IP Mistress herself. Listen in on how she thinks and get a glimpse into some of her motives. And, find out why men can't "just qui...

FIP 042: A Summary of the Six Vs
In this episode, Mike and Kirk share a quick summary of the Six Vs: Visualization, Variety, Vitality, Victory, Vacation and Validation. Please listen to all them again if they have hit home or have deeper meaning for you.

FIP 041: The Six Vs, pt 6 - Validation, pt 2
In this continuation of our discussion on Validation, Mike and Kirk talk about safety and intimacy and the idea of the power of getting to a place of finding the right validation within the safe confines of good relationships.

FIP 040: The Six Vs, pt 6 - Validation
The man's need for validation, so fundamental to his identity should come from a place of masculinity. Sadly, too many men (and boys) seek it in all the wrong places. In this first of a two part finale to the Six Vs, Kirk and Mike discuss why p...

FIP 039: The Six Vs, pt. 5 - Vacation
Who needs a vacation? You do! Or so many of us men say to ourselves when we tap or click on that site. To get away, even if for a few minutes to escape the hurt, pain, irritation, or whatever we feel we need to get away from. The IP Mistress aw...
Season 1
Episode 39

FIP 038: She Says She Wants a Divorce: What's Next?
It's the moment we hope never happens. It's the moment when she has said enough is enough and now that habit or addiction has caught up with him. She has said she wants a divorce. What happens next?
Season 1
Episode 38

FIP 037: What Would You Tell 9 Year Old Kirk?
Every man has a little boy inside him. Many guys still let him run life and when it comes to having a wife and family, giving him too much of that control. Looking back at the boyhood, both need to meet and talk - man today and boy of yes...
Season 1
Episode 36

FIP 036: The Six Vs, pt. 4 - Victory
In this very special episode (the first minute reveals why), we continue the important series on the Six Vs. This discussion, on victory, is important because of what the IP Mistress offers that no women can: uncondtional victory. Men seek it. ...
Season 1
Episode 36

FIP 035: The Six Vs, pt. 3 - Vitality
We continue our series on the six Vs in Kirk's book, For Your Eyes Only. This one, on vitality is a great discussion on the power given by broadband internet pornography. Yes, power. Small engine, but much power. Yet another reason why it's har...
Season 1
Episode 35

FIP 034: The Six Vs. pt. 2 - Variety
One unnatural thing pornography does is offer variety. Why is it unnatural? Because God never intended there be so much variety in our sexuality. The ideal - one marriage partner - goes against the seemingly infinite variety offered by broadban...
Season 1
Episode 34

FIP 033: Why Should Someone Attend a Free Indeed Class?
The foundation to all things Free Indeed the live class held every spring and fall is where you find out in detail how to gain and keep your freedom from broadband internet pornography. We talk about the need to keep it live, not online and the...
Season 1
Episode 33

FIP 032: What Are Myths About Freedom From Broadband Internet Pornography?
After a quick continuation from the last episode, Mike and Kirk talk about the myths and misconceptions of finding and being in freedom from broadband internet pornography.
Season 1
Episode 32

FIP 031: Getting Kicked in the Nuts
In this episode, Mike and Kirk share some of what it feels like to be, well, kicked in the nuts. In a figurative sense of course. Life happens. And bad things happen because no one in this life promises a good life without problems, not even Go...
Season 1
Episode 31

FIP 030: What Does The Bible Have to Say About Freedom?, pt. 3
Galatians in the New Testament is a letter written to people who wanted to a return life of slavery, but whom the apostle Paul tried to hold freedom out as the best option to counteract this human tendency of trying too hard to work our way int...
Season 1
Episode 30

FIP 029: What Does the Bible Have to Say About Freedom? pt. 2
With this episode, Mike spends time in Psalm 119. This is one of the most beautiful places in all of scripture on the benefits of being a law-abiding citizen of heaven. Freedom comes from obedience.
Season 1
Episode 29

FIP 028: What Does the Bible Have to Say About Freedom? pt. 1
In this first of Mike's solo episodes of the podcast, we will hear about a beautiful and heartfelt verse from the very mouth of God to his people Israel just after they left Egypt as slaves.
Season 1
Episode 28

FIP 027: The Six Vs pt. 1: Visualization
The power of what we see can and does stay with us all our lives. There are visual memories from our very earliest age that almost never lose their detail. The creators of pornography know this.
Season 1
Episode 27

FIP 026: How Does a Guy Talk to His Woman About His Pornography Problem?
Having a first conversation with his woman (a wife, his girlfriend or fiancé) can be difficult. This is another practical and meaningful conversation about how to do this with courage but also with a degree of humility and hope.
Season 1
Episode 27

FIP 025: How Does a Dad Talk to His Son About Pornography?
This is one episode where you get hands on, actionable how to on talking to your son, with (of course) more depth than just a list of things to do. Talking means conversation. Conversation means relationship.
Season 1
Episode 25

FIP 024: Destruction, Recovery and Hope - An Interview From the Other Side of Divorce
This special episode of the podcast features a special guest who agreed to share the pain of her story with others in the hope that what she's been through, someone else doesn't have to.
Season 1
Episode 24

FIP 023: For Your Eyes Only, "Just Quit?"
This episode Mike and Kirk discuss chapter 11 of Kirk's book, For Your Eyes Only. The chapter, "Just Quit?" is about the power of the IP Mistress over the man who continues to need to feed his emotional hunger. Hint: She has way to much power! ...
Season 1
Episode 23